I have recently started using NHibernate for a project because I wanted something that would work in Mono on linux and coupled with Fluent NHibernate, seemed like the best choice to work with MySql. It wasn’t long before I began to use the NHibernate Validator framework to provide some validation on my models. Using it …
Do You Speak HTML?
Ever since I have been living away from my home country of England, I have noticed myself picking up on what I would consider misuses of the English language. On the most part, they are Americanisms, for which I take great pleasure and amusement in refusing to understand, until the person uses the English pronunciation. …
Creating PDF Documents in PHP Using Tcpdf
When developing websites, it is not going to be too long before you are required to generate a pdf for users to download. One usually searches for a suitable library for this and in php, there are a few options out there. My personal favourite, and one that is still receiving regular updates and improvements, …
The Technical Debt
I have spent the last few days at work doing some intense refactoring of a seemingly complex jQuery plug-in. I managed to cut it down by 140 lines and speed it up immensely. Whilst it would have saved time if I had written the plug-in myself in the first place, I cannot be expected to …
Is Atlas So New?
Slipping musically into my twitter stream earlier this morning came an excited remark by John Resig. He seemed all hyped about the new Atlas product from 280 North that they announced at Future of Web Apps, Miami. Given John’s reputation in web development, I immediately followed the link and watched the introductory video on the …