IIS7 WordPress and Friendly URLs

As a developer who uses Vista as their main OS, I have always found developing php sites a little bit awkward. Php never liked to play nicely with IIS and unless you installed and used Apache, friendly URLs were even more difficult to get working. I use IIS extensively for ASP.NET development and I never … 


Check your PHP UTF-8 Checklist

I spent way too long this weekend on a problem that had such a simple solution. I guess this issue may have been a little to do with the fact that I use the CodeIgniter framework, which does so much of the hard work for you. it’s easy to get complaisant. I have been working … 


CodeIgniter Error CSS Classes

When version 1.7 of CodeIgniter was released, they introduced a new form validation class that vastly simplified things. I particularly liked the new way in which any errors that occurred during form validation were displayed on screen. Where as before, an error message for a field was displayed as follows: <?=$this->validation->myfield_error?><?=$this->validation->myfield_error?> It seemed much neater …